Leicestershire and Rutland CFA

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Leicestershire and Rutland County FA Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) and Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)

The Inclusion Advisory Group (IAG) acts as the check and balance to Leicestershire & Rutland County FA's (LRCFA) work, trying to encourage embedding diversity and inclusion across all we do. The IAG is a strategic advisory group, it advises The County FA Board and Executive about how it could do things slightly differently in order to make football inclusive and For All. The IAG reports into main LRCFA Board. Members will help shape the organisation’s direction of travel to ensure children, young people and adults of all backgrounds and communities can access high quality opportunities. The Inclusion Advisory Group will support our organisation in delivering our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan and support projects across the organisation in helping to continue to achieve the Equality Standards for Sport.

For more information about the Inclusion Advisory Group please click here

For more information about our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan please click here

Rep squad in action

Leicestershire and Rutland County FA Equality Policy

The Leicestershire and Rutland County Football Association are fully committed to ensuring that everyone can take part in football across the Leicestershire and Rutland in an enjoyable, friendly, safe and inclusive environment. The Board of Directors, CEO and staff believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be part of the football family, regardless of difference and we are working hard to ensure that this is a reality.

Our Equality Policy confirms our clear commitment to promoting equality of opportunity and that we will take firm action, if required, against anyone who behaves in a way that is discriminatory.

To view the Leicestershire and Rutland County FA’s Equality Policy please click here 

Both The FA and the County FAs are working to ensure everyone has the opportunity to be part of the game. You can find out more on The FA’s website here 

Disability Girls Team