CFA Content Page

Insurance 22/23

Public Liability Brochure 22/23

NGIS Personal Accident Wording 22/23

Personal Accident Brochure 22/23

Referee PA Brochure 22/23

Adult Evidence of Cover 22/23

Youth Evidence of Cover 22/23

Walking Football Evidence of Cover 22/23

Referee Evidence of Cover 22/23

County Cover Public Liability 22/23

County Cover Plus Public Liability 22/23

Insurance 23/24

Countycover & Countycover plus policy wording

Countycover & Countycover plus summary of cover

Leicestershire & Rutland FA Evidence of Countycover

Leicestershire & Rutland FA Evidence of Countycover plus


NGIS Personal Injury IPID

NGIS Personal Accident Policy Wording 

Adult superior 400 PA Evidence of cover

Adult superior 600 PA Evidence of cover

Adult superior 1000 PA Evidence of cover

Youth Superior Gold PA Evidence of cover

Youth Superior Platinum PA Evidence of cover

Adult Intermediate PA Evidence of cover

Adult Superior 120 PA Evidence of cover

Adult Superior 200 PA Evidence of cover

NGIS Personal Accident Claim Form

Council Chair and Vice Chair Role Description 22/23 

Safer Recruitment Policy  

Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

Anti-Harassment and Bullying Policy

Board Conflict of Interest Policy

Companies Act 2006

Confidentiality Agreement

Declaration of Interest Form

Declaration of Good Character

Grievance Procedure

Notice of AGM

AGM Proxy

Mins from AGM



1. Notice of EGM

2. EGM Proxy vote

3. AGM Minutes

4. Audited Accounts


Club Update call

Icalendar link


Council meeting 19.1.23

Feasibility Study



Referee Details 


Team Entry


Discipline documents

Football Debt recovery guide

League rules and Discipline

League Decision letter template

League Notification Template



Staff Benefits - download
