Adult Growth Fund
Leicestershire & Rutland County FA have launched the Adult Growth Fund, which aims to provide Charter Standard Clubs with the opportunity to apply for a £500 grant to support the associated costs of developing an adult male team for next season.
The County FA is encouraging clubs to consider how the grant could; support the merger if a youth club with an adult club, transition of an existing youth team into adult football or develop a brand new adult team at the club. The County FA also welcomes applications from clubs wishing to develop Adult Futsal teams, as well as Football teams.
Eligible clubs must be Charter Standard as of 1st June. For those clubs that are not currently Charter Standard, but wish to apply for this funding, please click here for more information on how you can achieve this kitemark by this date.
The only other condition of the funding is the club must affiliate the new team with the Leicestershire & Rutland County FA for 2019-20 season and register the team with a FA Sanctioned League for the same season.
The application window opened on the 24th April, and will close at midnight on the 6th June.
We encourage clubs to click here to read a Guidance Document before making a full application.
To submit an application for a “Adult Growth Fund” grant, please click here.
Do you also require support to sustain your current adult male teams? – click here to learn how you could also apply to the Football Foundation for a £750 “Stay in the Game” Grant.
For any further questions, or should you wish to discuss your project in more depth before making an application please contact, Shaun Waite, Football Development Officer (Male Participation) on 0116 284 4951,