Be the Best with FA Charter Standard and win a Leicester City FC Legend Visit!

More information

Would your club be interested in winning a Leicester City FC Legend visit at your club, receive between 10 - 20 match balls and access opportunities to receive additional kit and equipment? – Yes, then achieve FA Charter Standard accreditation by Friday 11th December and it can all be yours!

 What is The FA Charter Standard accreditation and what are the incentives?

Why and what is FA Charter Standard?

There is no charge in becoming FA Charter Standard accredited and is open to all grassroots clubs and leagues to apply for. Clubs who achieve The FA Charter Standard status are proud to be the best places for people to play and enjoy football. Places where people can develop skills, keep fit and enjoy being part of a friendly, inclusive community. They are built to last.

 Learn more about what it takes to become FA Charter Standard accredited here.

 What are the incentives?

Depending on the size of your club, upon achieving FA Charter Standard accreditation your club will receive between 10 - 20 match balls, equipment vouchers and opportunities to explore further funding opportunities in the future.

 In addition, working with our partners at Leicester City Football Club, we are running a competition which will see one FA Charter Standard Adult Club receive a visit from a Leicester City FC Legend, and one boys/ mixed team, one girls team and one disability within 3 different FA Charter Standard Clubs receive an Alternative Match Day Experience with Leicester City FC, which will include a training session by LCFC coaches accompanied by Filbert the Fox, and exposure on the Leicester City FC social media on a match day.

 To be automatically entered and have a chance to win these prizes, all your club must do is be FA Charter Standard accredited by or on Friday 11th December.

 So, what next, and how can the County FA support?

If you are interested in being supported  to become FA Charter Standard like over 90% of our currently affiliated clubs then please join us on our upcoming “FA Charter Standard Support Call” on Wednesday 25th November, 7pm via Microsoft Team, where we will run through the criteria in detail and answer any questions you may have.

 To join this call, please save the date and click on the following meeting  link at the time and date suggested - Click here to join the meeting

 You may also email to arrange a 1-2-1 meeting with our development team to discuss a Charter Standard application further.