Players Play Football in Leicestershire and Rutland


Play Football in Leicestershire & Rutland


Leicestershire & Rutland have a long and proud history of football in the county. There are no shortages of opportunity at all levels for any player. With more forms of football available then ever before, there has never been a better time to be involved in football.

Leicestershire and Rutland County FA currently has over 400 affiliated clubs playing football in a range of formats across the county. So there are plenty of local teams, leagues and opportunities for you to take part in the beautiful game.

So if its young children taking there first steps in football with Mini-Soccer, honing your skills with Futsal, Playing 11 v 11 or continuing with Walking football for the over 50's; there is something for everyone with loads of other options in between .

We work hard at Leicestershire and Rutland County FA to support the local community in providing a fun, safe and inclusive environment for everyone to play in across the county.

However you choose to enjoy playing football, we're on hand to help you and your club!

players guide

Players Guide

The players guide is designed to give you all the information that you will need as a registered County FA player, at any point throughout the season.

Blind team Winners

Ways to Play

Players of all ages and abilities in Leicestershire and Rutland have more opportunities than ever to get into the game. From 11-a-side to 5-a-side, from walking football to Just Play! Kickabouts - find a way to play that's right for you!

Player support

Learn how Leicestershire and Rutland County FA support the local community in providing a fun, safe and inclusive environment for everyone to play football.

Upcoming Events

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