30 New Referees Celebrated At March Call Back Evening
This month, the Leicestershire and Rutland County FA (LRCFA) hosted a referee call back evening, commemorating a significant milestone for 30 newly certified referees spanning across the counties.
The gathering not only marked their successful completion of The FA Referee Course but also facilitated a platform for participants to exchange insights garnered from officiating five games during the start of their refereeing journey.
Furthermore, the evening clarified the paths to progress in refereeing, outlining the various levels of officiating and the steps needed for progression. It offered referees a clear guide for their professional development, inspiring them to aspire for growth in their officiating roles.
Jacob Lehane, LRCFA Referee Development Lead, expressed his satisfaction with the event's outcome. He said: “Equipped with their certificates and badges, the emerging cohort of County FA referees are ready to leave a positive imprint on the game.
"As they embark on the next phase of their refereeing journey, the County FA remains committed to offering unwavering support to ensure their continuous development and realisation of their full potential.”
The FA Referee Course, which served as the foundation for this celebration, is a comprehensive training programme designed to equip referees with the knowledge and skills required for officiating football matches.